RBB Economics


Global leaders in competition economics

RBB Economics is an independent economics consultancy focusing solely on competition law matters. We are one of the world’s leading competition economics practices, with 14 global offices.

Our work concerns all aspects of competition economics including mergers and acquisitions, market investigations, abuses of dominance, vertical agreements, joint ventures and collusive practices. We provide high quality, professional, independent advice, through the application of the latest advances in economic theory and econometric techniques.

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Was wir bieten

We will help you develop your skills as a practitioner of real-world economic reasoning, from building econometric models and drafting expert witness reports to oral advocacy and client relationship management.

Funding for specialist courses can be provided, including sponsoring employees’ MSc studies to deepen their knowledge and skills. We also facilitate secondments to RBB offices around the world.

Wonach wir suchen

We seek outstanding, motivated economists with strong academic credentials and an interest in industrial organisation. Qualifications are usually to postgraduate level. We are looking for consultants with a range of quantitative and analytical skills and the ability to communicate complex economic concepts in a clear concise style.


Full-time positions, internships.

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RBB Economics
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